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Episode 06: Crisis, What Crisis?
Crisis, what crisis? Our take on how boards should not just respond to, but learn from, a crisis. Deeply embedded in the Corona Virus pandemic, we look at what tools and models will benefit Directors in a crisis; from...
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Episode 5: Emotional Agility and Compassion with Neelesh Mehta
Our first guest, Neelesh Mehta, talks to us about compassion in the boardroom. Neelesh helps us build insights into our attitude towards ourself, and how this impacts the way we interact with others and therefore our...
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Episode 04: Social Contract
Do you know your company ecosystem? This week we get into the genetics of your company, examining the system of connections that gives you permission to operate. We ask whether your board has a social contract with...
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Episode 03: The Corporate Social Contract
Does your organisation have a right to exist? What is its contract with society, with its community, with its staff? A longer episode than usual, covering the confluence of COVID and the economic and regulatory crisis...
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Episode 02: Is This The End of Corporate Feudalism?
In 2020 we’re raising questions about how corporations own labour – and looking at how our working arrangements could and should change. Is COVID-19 handing us an opportunity to work in a completely different way; to...
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Episode 01: What lessons did directors learn around COVID-19?
Andrew Donovan and Dale Simpson reflect on the true competitive advantage that can be drawn from the COVID experience. We learn there’s more to risk management than having a policy; that having a crisis plan will...
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